Parish Council meetings usually take place at 7.30pm on a Monday towards the start of each month, except in August when we have a summer break.Unfortunately both our DECEMBER and FEBRUARY meetings had to be CANCELLED at short notice, as we were not quorate (didn't have enough councillors able to attend).
We require FOUR Parish Councillors to hold a formal parish council meeting, there are currently SIX, one of whom is unable to attend meetings at the moment. We therefore have several VACANCIES. If you wish to become a councillor please contact the clerk ( or one of the current councillors.
Members of the public and the press are invited to attend. Please be aware that meetings may be filmed, recorded and/or reported upon. If members of the public attend the meeting but do not wish to be filmed, photographed or recorded, they should let the Clerk know before the start of the meeting.
If members of the public wish to address the Council on a relevant matter, a three minute slot will be allocated during the public participation session which is usually held near the begining of each ordinary meeting. Please contact the parish clerk to book your slot. Please note that Councillors may not vote on matters which are not listed on the agenda, so if you wish to raise a matter which may require a decision by Members, please ensure you contact the clerk at least one week before the meeting and detail the issue that is to be discussed. The parish counci may not be able to answer questions posed during the meeting, in which case please provide your contact details to the clerk if you wish to be provided with a written response.
Recent agendas, minutes and audit reports are published on this website, others are available from the clerk
If you wish to receive an agenda ahead of the next meeting please contact the clerk by email and ask to be added to the agenda circulation list.
Our next Meeting will be:
24th February 2025 at 7:30pm
Newbold Village Hall